Artist: Vilmantas
Size: 125 x 155 cm
Category: Painting
ID-no: 50.2201
Price: 75.000,00 DKK

Acrylic and oil on canvas, signed on the backside, 2022

Vilmantas: Sometimes vibrations from life are bursting out in a piece of art. I was working on this painting already when the current war broke out.

Then the world changed, and I responded to the new sensations in same painting. My artwork is more emotional than political. As war touches our emotions, we see how art can talk too. I tell a story about loss and pain like in a bad dream.

At the same time, my painting calls in hope too. In a raw situation, we try to help each other and to give our support. New questions are come along with this painting; how can we come together again after the war?

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